We all know there are moments on which we have to realize that if we don't do something now it will probably be too late. We are all waiting for that one moment which is changing our mind. The moment you wake up. With positive energy, lots of motivation, dynamically and you know today I'm going to reach all my daily goals like: going to the gym, eating healthy, cleaning the apartment and studying for University or trying to be the
best version of myself while I'm working.
But the Morning I get up :I'm not motivated, I'm not going to the gym, I'm not eating healthy and I'm not doing things for my university.
I always thought it's it's all about waiting for this click to happen. This click which makes you feel like you can make it.
In life it's about trusting yourself.
What we never should forget it's not only to think who we are; or who we want to become. ITS all about feeling it. Feeling who you are, feeling that you are already the best version of yourself.
The moment you fall in love with your soul, with your spirit and you start to trust in your talents, possibilities and chances. You set yourself free - free from bringing yourself down.
Self - love/trust is not a moment thing. Its always there. You just have to open your heart - open your heart for yourself.

Photocredit weheartit