
My name is Leila Rose and I’m a 22 year-old beauty and health blogger currently living in Basel. I'm studying economics and I am a personal assistant. I was born in Basel, Switzerland and spent most of the time here. Originaly I'm Italian.
I started the blog with the goal of sharing more frequent and personal posts about everything from health to fashion to beauty as well as daily happenings. .

If you are searching for that one person that will change your life - take a look in the mirror

Q: How old are you? When’s your birthday?
A: 22 / My birthday is February 22th
Q: What’s your hair color?
A: Most of it is now my natural hair color. I ombred it a dark blonde color, 
which has currently grown out and I’m left with a very slight ombre. 
Q: How many languages do you speak?
A: Four: German, Italian, English and French
Q: What’s your ethnicity?
A: I consider myself to be Swiss – but my ethnicity is Italian.
Q: Where does your family live?
A: Part of my family lives in Basel, part is in Napoli, Lecce and also I have a part of my family which lives in New York & Texas. My siter lives in Gallipoli (south italy) - I love to travel (:

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